
Lady Joanna Thornhill (Endowed) Primary School

Learning for the Head, Heart and Hand

16th March 2023

Hello Everyone,

Happy Red nose Day! Thank you for all the effort the Mummies and Daddies have made with our general redness!  We have been telling jokes to the class, there were some very funny ones.


We have been thinking a lot about science this week and had a brilliant science experience with Amelie Hart-Johnson’s Mummy. We experimented with colour theory, seeing which primary colours make up some of the more complex colours on the colour wheel, such as brown and black.  It was fascinating seeing the colours evolve in front of our eyes.  We also had a look a familiar objects around us with hand held microscopes.  We saw the amazing details in things like carpets, hair and even our skin.  I think we all agreed that science is fantastic fun and very, very interesting.


On the theme of science, we have also been finding out about Communicators through the ages in our History topic.  From illuminated texts through to the World Wide Web and Tim Berners-Lee.  We found out about Morse code and the Enigma machine, built by Alan Turing.  We cracked codes just like Alan Turing did during the war.  There is a code for you to crack in our homework this week too!


In Maths we have been talking about mass, using balancing scales to weigh objects with cubes.  


There is a surprise in the book bags for Mummy, but not to be seen until Mother’s Day, so no peeking!!


This week during phonics we have learnt some new graphemes that have familiar sounds attached to


ear (ur) in words such as learn, early, earth, search, heard, and rehearsal

the schwa sound u at the end of words such as collar, sailor, actor, caterpillar, flavour and colour

wr (r) in words such as write, wrong, wrapping, wriggle, wrist and wrinkle

st,sc (s) in words such as listen, whistle, castle, science, muscle and scent


We revised the following tricky words; 

many, any, friend, through, two, your


Our marble challenge this week has been won by the Bluebell and Primrose teams with a score of 20.  Well done to the other teams.

Love from the Fox Class.
