
Lady Joanna Thornhill (Endowed) Primary School

Learning for the Head, Heart and Hand

Healthy Food Choices



If you choose to send your child in to school with a packed lunch, we would ask that you ensure that they contain healthy choices. Please do not send sweets, chocolate bars, crisps or sugary drinks (water is best), and keep packaging that can’t be recycled to a minimum.


Please do have a look at the healthy lunch box document  below for some useful tips and information.  You can also look at the KCC Healthier lunchboxes and picnics document, which has some really helpful advice.




We are so grateful to our wonderful parents and children, who have embraced our request for healthy snacks  in school (such as fruit or vegetable sticks), and reduced their use of single use plastic! This really encourages children to make good choices and helps the environment at the same time.  


Our School Council have compiled a helpful list of suggested healthy snacks.  As we have children in school with severe nut allergies please do not send your child to school with any nuts or food items containing nuts.


  • Fresh fruit and Veg
  • Bread sticks 
  • Crackers 
  • Plain rice cakes 
  • Mini sandwich and wraps 
  • Bread
  • Cheese 
  • Boiled egg 
  • Pieces of meat e.g. chicken breast 
  • Seeds


The teachers do let children know, but please do make sure your children are aware that fruit and vegetables are always also available in school for any child who wants them.


Do click on the links for Healthier Families below (formally known as Change4Life) to find lots of helpful tips on getting active, staying healthy and making great food choices!  There is also a link to a fun family snack challenge, how many can you complete?



Useful Links

Healthier Families - Home - NHS ( 

Lunchbox ideas and recipes – Healthier Families - NHS (

