
Lady Joanna Thornhill (Endowed) Primary School

Learning for the Head, Heart and Hand

Attendance & Punctuality

If you have any queries regarding attendance, please do speak to either Mrs Cox, our Attendance Officer, or Mrs Read who is our Pastoral Support Mentor.  Both Mrs Cox and Mrs Read work closely together with regard to attendance, and can offer support and advice if needed.  Do look at our attendance policy, which you can find here, which shows our expectation for pupil attendance is at least 97%

To View our attendance Policy please click on the link HERE

It is a legal requirement that we report on children's attendance at school.   If we don't know why your child is not at school, your child will get an unauthorised absence mark. But, more importantly, we want to know that your child is safely accounted for.



If your child arrives late to school they must be signed in at school reception.  Please do not go straight to class without signing in as once the registers have closed your child will be unaccounted for in the event of an emergency. We also need to register whether your child will be having a packed lunch or school dinner.  If your child arrives after 8:45 they will be marked as late, but if they arrive after 9am, it will count as an unauthorised absence.  If there is a reason why your child is going to be late for school, we would appreciate you telephoning ahead to advise what time you think they will arrive.



If your child is going to be absent from school due to sickness you do need to let us know by no later than 9am on each day your child is going to be absent.


If your child is unwell, or if there is a reason why your child cannot attend school one day, please either telephone on 01233 812781 or email the school at, by no later than 9am each morning your child(ren) will be absent, otherwise an unauthorised absence may be recorded.


The school is legally required to record a variety of different types of absence for each child; also we are obliged to record unauthorised absences and late arrivals.


For guidance regarding whether your child is well enough to attend school, please either refer to the (click here) NHS Guidance or speak to the school office on 01233 812781



We do understand that there are occasions where it may be necessary to take your child out of school for certain appointments, i.e. Hospital, medical assessments, SLT, Orthodontist, emergency gp appointment, where it is difficult to change the appointment given. However we do ask that you avoid taking your child out for routine dental, optician, and GP appointments. Taking your child out of school during the school day can be detrimental to their attainment and progress and disruptive to the whole class. There are 13 weeks of holidays, weekends and time after school for such appointments to be made.


If an appointment is unavoidable during school time, please fill out the Absence for appointment form, see above or collect a form from the school office. You will need to give as much notice as possible and, if it will affect the lunch period - please let the school office know whether your child requires a school meal.




Until September 2013 the regulations allowed Headteachers to ‘grant’ leave of absence for the purpose of a family holiday during term time in ‘special circumstances’ of up to ten days leave per year. This has been changed with Headteachers no longer able to grant any leave of absence during school time unless there are ‘exceptional circumstances’


Any requests for leave of absence will ONLY be granted in accordance with the current legislation. Such requests will have to demonstrate why ‘exceptional circumstances’ apply.   Our attendance levels at Lady Joanna have always been exceptionally high, with parents understanding the importance of regular attendance and its impact upon their child’s learning.


For any absence requests, you will need to fill out an Absence Request Form, either see above or collect a paper copy from the school office.  Please  return to the school either via email to or  to the school office and give as much notice as possible.


For further information please read the Department for Education guidance on attendance   -  Working together to improve school attendance (





