
Lady Joanna Thornhill (Endowed) Primary School

Learning for the Head, Heart and Hand

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Welcome to Year 3 and the first year of Key Stage 2.  We have an exciting year ahead of us with lots of engaging topics which we know your children are going to love!

Here are some of the many topics we will be covering each term. 


Term 1 - Rivers, Light, Making an electrical poster

Term 2 - Antarctica, Forces and Magnets, Textiles

Term 3 - Stone Age to Iron Age, Rocks, Soils and Fossils, Constructing an Iron Age fort

Term 4 - Where our food comes from, Healthy Eating, Making savoury tarts

Term 5 - Ancient Egyptians, Muscles and Bones, Making pneumatic toys

Term 6 - Ancient Civilisations, Plants, Making echarms




Home Learning

Completing some home learning tasks is strongly advised as it will support their work in class.


  • Reading -  ideally 15 -20 minutes 5 times a week with some book discussion and quizzing. 


  • Spellings - we shall be sending home spelling homework weekly. We will practice these in class throughout the year but will also encourage them to look at them at home too.


  • MyMaths - work is set which links to class work.  Login to see the tasks.


  • Topic Home Learning - we have provided a variety of suggestions of fun and interesting activities that the children should try to complete independently, linking with our learning in class.






    Below are some websites which can be accessed for free. Using these will support your child's progress and understanding across the Year 3 curriculum. 

    READING AT HOME SUPPORT - VIPER - style questions to ask when hearing your child read.
