
Lady Joanna Thornhill (Endowed) Primary School

Learning for the Head, Heart and Hand

Photos from this term

We performed speeches, as Dooby from Floodland, to persuade the other islanders to elect a new leader.

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Dooby's speech, persuading the other islanders to make him their leader. Enjoy!

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Floodland Poems


The children wrote poems inspired by our class text, Floodland.  They wrote from Zoe's point of view about how the water has changed her life.  Can you tell if she believes the water has destroyed her life or saved it?

Floodland Letter Writing


Swift class have been writing letters to Zoe, giving her advice on what she should do next. She is stuck on Eel Island, she has lost her boat and she doesn’t know who to trust. The letters are amazing: offering Zoe thoughtful advice and full of the features we talked about in class.

Diary Writing inspired by Floodland


Elsie has written an emotive and personal diary entry, from Zoe’s perspective (the main character in our text for the term, Floodland). She has used the first person and written about her past experiences as well as her hopes for the future, including her thoughts and feelings throughout. What a fantastic piece!

