Happy New Year! Welcome to our new term and our new topic: 'Traders and Raiders'.
This term in English, we will be reading the book, Floodland by Marcus Sedgwick. Floodland is an extraordinary novel, set some time in the not too distant future in a land that has been reclaimed by the sea. It is perfect for older readers who will be captivated by a vision of the future that is not so unbelievable. Because it's such a good quality text, the children's reading and writing skills are appropriately challenged and developed. Why not ask your child about writing Zoe's diary entry or Dooby's persuasive speech?
This term in maths there is a number focus. The children will continue to learn about multiplication and division before then moving on to more fractions work, as well as decimals and percentages.
Science this term is all about materials. The children will be looking at how to group and classify materials, before looking at the terms thermal insulators and conductors, considering if materials are soluble or insoluble and considering reversible and irreversible reactions. The children will be given the chance to decide how they should investigate a problem to find the answer to different questions.
Our topic lessons are to do with the Scots and Anglo-Saxons. The children will be looking at timelines - how long ago did the Scots and Anglo-Saxons live? They will learn about key historical characters and find out about the religion that was followed during the time.
In art, the children will be learning about how fabrics are used to create scenes such as the Bayeux Tapestry. They will create their own scene by selecting appropriate fabrics and techniques to create their desired outcomes.
In R.E, the overarching question will be: Why do some people believe God exists? The children will question how they know what is true and will consider what people believe about how the world began.
Our PE days are Monday (gymnastics) and Thursday (tag rugby). As we are outside, please may all of the children bring warm clothing as we will be out in all weathers!
Each week we will be asking children to complete a range of pieces of homework which will cover maths, reading, spellings and topic.
Maths - Every week, MyMaths is updated with activities that are relevant to the topics taught in class. Before completing these activities, the children should read through the teaching slides to remind and support them in their learning. The children should also be regularly logging on to Mathletics to retain speedy recall of all the times tables up to 12x12. Mymaths homework will be set each Monday.
Reading - We expect the children to be reading for at least 20minutes a day. It is very good practice for the children to be reading with an adult so that discussions and questioning can clarify meaning and spark further interest. We ask that when reading (whether your child reads independently or with someone) you sign their reading records. This shows us that the children are completing their learning and indicates to us who needs further support or encouragement to read in school. Children who complete five reads a week will receive a stamp on their ‘5 Star Reader Card’. This runs Friday to Friday.
Spellings - Each week, we will be working on our common exception words in our spelling lessons. Have a go at learning and practising each week’s words ahead of the lesson. Spellings will be checked on Wednesday.
Topic - Every term, the children will receive a topic grid with provides them with a range of activities relating to that term's topic for the head, heart and hand. The children are welcome to bring these in as they are completed throughout the term.
As always, please check the website and Class Dojo regularly for updates.
Many thanks,
Mrs Kinnear, Mrs Williams and Mrs Lloyd