We have had a great week in Swift Class this week.
In English, we have been writing a speech from the viewpoint of Dooby - a character from our reading book, Floodlands. We then enjoyed listening to each other deliver our speeches to the rest of the class (the islanders) followed by a vote for who would be our 'Dooby'.
DT was fun, as we had to try and make bridges from dried spaghetti and masking tape. When we finished, we tested them by placing a weight on top.
Our art this week has been focused on the architects Zaha Hadid and Friedensreich Hunderwasser, using inspiration taken from them, to design our own schools.
UNESCO dedicated the International Day of Education celebrated on 24 January 2024 to the crucial role education and teachers play in countering hate speech. The UNESCO Director General (Audrey Azoulay) wrote a message to the world and here is a part of it:
"Because if hatred starts with words, peace starts with education. What we learn changes how we view the world and influences how we treat others. Education must therefore be at the heart of our efforts to achieve and maintain world peace."
How can we, at Lady Joanna, try to achieve world peace?
We learn about peace in all our lessons, including R.E, PSHE, Rights. In art lessons, we learn that it's to okay to make mistakes. On the playground, we can try to be more peaceful and tolerant of each other.
In maths, we have been learning how to multiply large numbers by large numbers. We have been having loads fun in P.E learning how to play netball and learning about mirroring in gymnastics. both of these have helped us develop resilience and collaboration. In French, we have been going back to the past and learning about the ancient Olympics. Our reading and English book, Floodland, has been very exciting. We are writing in role as Zoe to document her diary entry when she escaped Norwich.
This term, we are really looking forward to learning about the Anglo-Saxons and Scots because we love learning about history, what things used to be like and how that has impacted how we live. We are studying architecture this term in art which we are particularly excited about. We don't know much about what we're reading yet in our reading and English lessons but we are really looking forward to it. We have heard we will have lots of discussions about the book, learn new language and do some drama. Our writing from this will be so good!