
Lady Joanna Thornhill (Endowed) Primary School

Learning for the Head, Heart and Hand

Spring 1

Happy New Year - Welcome back to Hedgehog class 2024


We are eager to start our Term 3's work with many exciting and interesting topics. 


In Science we are continuing our work from last term focussing on 'The Seasons'. We will be looking closely at the clouds and learning about what happens to rain. 

We have already been working hard in our ICT lesson this week, making our Beebots move around the classroom. We are looking to extend our skills in order to make our Beebots manoeuvre around a set course - photos will follow. 

We are looking forward to finding out about Toys in our writing lessons and hope to have a class visit this term to support our learning. Our DT lessons link to our topic on Toys - we will be making moving books!


Our PE lesson continues to be on a Tuesday with Mrs Dodsworth. Please can all PE kits be in school ready for Tuesday 9th January.


We are keeping a close eye on our class Dojos, so far, the class have reached 1115 - Well done Hedgehogs. 
