Welcome To The Early Years Foundation Stage
‘We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stopped playing‘ – George Bernard Shaw
The Early Years Foundation Stage is a very special place, being the first link between home and school. Our aim is to build upon the experience provided by you as parents, the pre-school or nursery and to set the fundamental foundations which allow your children to thrive through their primary education. We aim to create a happy, secure and stimulating environment, encouraging independence, confidence and growth in all areas of child development.
Parental involvement and strong home-school relationships are viewed as an integral part of early years education in our setting. Our team will gladly and readily discuss your child, their progress and what they have been learning and their next steps. Our staff are also always keen to find out about what children are interested in and what they have been doing at home. This can be discussed with staff in person, or photos and comments can be uploaded through Tapestry.