
Lady Joanna Thornhill (Endowed) Primary School

Learning for the Head, Heart and Hand

How do I stay informed about the extra support my child is getting?

Each year, we hold Parent Consultation evenings for all families in school. You can arrange to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss their progress, as well as arranging to meet with the Inclusion Lead, if you wish to discuss your child’s needs and/or provision. In addition, teachers are always willing to meet parents/carers at other times throughout the year.  


Children on the school’s SEND register all have either a Learning Support Plan or Personal Plan in place detailing their provision and strategies used to support them in school. These are reviewed by class teachers and the Inclusion Team three times a year and are then shared with parents. We welcome any comments and feedback on these plans and are always happy to arrange follow-up meetings to discuss provision if needed. Parents will always be informed at the start of the academic year if their child’s name is on our SEND register or if they are added at any point throughout the year.  
Children with an Education Health and Care Plan will also have a formal Annual Review, where all professionals working with a child (including parents/carers) will be invited to attend and to discuss the child’s progress and on-going needs. 
