
Lady Joanna Thornhill (Endowed) Primary School

Learning for the Head, Heart and Hand

I think my child has ADHD. What can you do to support?

School can refer children for assessment for ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Typically, we need to see inattentive or hyperactive/ impulsive behaviour that is significantly different from the majority of the peer group and across different environments, to refer. Referrals are made via NELFT who will undertake initial triage of the request and typically ask for follow-up information from both school and parents. These forms are lengthy and take some time to collate. This information will then be used by NELFT to decide about whether or not to accept a child onto the ADHD pathway.  


The ADHD assessment pathway has very long wait times, with NELFT currently informing parents they may be on the list for up to three years. 

Once diagnosed, medication may be appropriate under some circumstances and depending on parental views. Some children may be diagnosed with ‘ADHD–inattentive type’, which is sometimes known as ADD (no hyperactivity). 
