Your child’s class teacher is responsible for providing quality first teaching for all pupils and is your main point of contact should you have any concerns. Class teachers are responsible for the progress of all children in their class and for identifying, planning, facilitating and reviewing any additional help that your child may need. They will work closely with the Inclusion Team to ensure the correct provision is in place for children with SEND and seek additional support as needed.
Children may also be supported by teaching assistants and/or HLTAs across the school or members of the Inclusion Team, such as our Pastoral Support Mentor, School Counsellor, Inclusion Assistant or SEMH Leads. This might be through delivering bespoke intervention, either one-to-one or in a group setting. Any such provision will always be detailed on children’s individual provision plans or class provision maps.
The Inclusion Lead is responsible for ensuring provision for children across the school is appropriate and that those listed on the school’s SEND register have appropriate plans in place that are regularly reviewed and shared with parents.