
Lady Joanna Thornhill (Endowed) Primary School

Learning for the Head, Heart and Hand

Term 4

Term 4


Welcome back to Term 4! We hope that you all have enjoyed a restful half term break and are ready for an exciting term ahead. 


Congratulations to those children who received star awards and unsung hero awards at the end of Term 3 - we are very proud of all your hard work. Take a look at the latest celebration newsletter for more details of our winners. 


This term we will be exploring a range of new topics, as well as enjoying both World Book Day and STEM week. We will continue with Geography this term, however we will expand our viewpoint far beyond Wye by looking at the population of the globe, how this changes and what affects it. In Science, we will use STEM week to move ourselves into learning about Living Things and their Habitats, particularly at a microbial level. 


In English, we will delve into a world of activism and rights as we base our writing around the Suffragettes and social activists through time. Writing pieces will include a persuasive letter, a balanced argument, a persusaive speech, a biography and a non-chronological report. We will continue to use drama activities to help children immerse themselves in the unit. We will also be linking in our reading this term, looking at the text 'Suffragette The Battle For Equality'.


For Mathematics, children will be looking at a range of new topics in Term 4 as well as spending some slots revisiting and revising all of the content already covered. Our new topics are: Area and Perimeter, Algebra, Statistics, Geometry (properties of shape and position & direction).


Home learning books are to be brought to school every Tuesday so that homework can be checked and the new tasks can be given out. The homework grid for the term can be found in the first page of the book and is also available online in case it should get lost. Reading Records are to be brought into school every day this term please so that we can track our '5 Star Readers' and any reading completed in school can be added. Thank you in advance for your support with home learning and reading at home. Please do remember that home learning is now compulsory, until the end of the year. 


Finally, PE days this term are as follows: Monday and Friday. We are doing Handball and Health Related Fitness this term and will be outside in all weathers so please consider this when sending in PE kit. Just a gentle reminder that PE kits should be in daily in case we have to make last minute changes to the timetable due to weather!


Thank you for your continued support. Please never hesitate to contact either of us via our emails should any questions ever arise. 


Mrs Burrell & Mr Godden
