Week 3 - 16.11.23
In maths this week, we have been learning about fractions; we have played a fractions game and had a test on it too!
We had outdoor learning, last week we played games to build trust (including being blindfolded) and this week we identified leaves including Field Maple, London Plane and Oak leaves. Afterwards, we made up our own games to practice skills we have learned.
It’s been anti-bullying week at Lady J. We have made up performance poems about what bullying is and how to stop it. Videos to follow!
In reading practice, we have been looking at a book called Broomsticks and Balloons which is a non-fiction book about science experiments.
In PE, we have started lacrosse using special sticks and working in partners. Some of us have also started a dance club with Mrs. Selwood.
We had a special visitor – Stanley who is one of Wolfie’s puppies! (photo to follow)