
Lady Joanna Thornhill (Endowed) Primary School

Learning for the Head, Heart and Hand

Term 5 Blog

Class Blog (02.05.24)


Hello all! We’ve had a terribly busy Term 5 so far! Obviously, we’ve been getting ready for our SATs, BUT there is SO many more exciting things to talk about.


Firstly, we are very excited to be preparing for sports day – hopefully it wont rain. This year there are some new events, which are the egg and spoon race, skipping and the sack race.


In Science, we have been learning about the heart and circulatory system. So far, we know there are 4 chambers in the heart which pump blood around our body. Veins travel blood to the heart and arteries take blood away from the heart. Blood is oxygenated in the lungs and then returns to left atrium of the heart before being pumped into the left ventricle, before then heading out around the body.


In English we have been inspired by the poem ‘The Lady of Shalott’ by Alfred Lord Tennyson. We have been enjoying using our dramatic practices to act out various parts of the play – in particular a backstory for the Lady that was created by Mrs Kemp, Miss Young & Mr Godden.


Some of us have been getting into the full swing of preparing for our end of year production, so that we do not bore the others with lots of practice next term. Everyone else is looking forward to getting into this


Lastly, today is Mr Godden’s birthday, which he shares with David Beckham.


