
Lady Joanna Thornhill (Endowed) Primary School

Learning for the Head, Heart and Hand

Squirrel Class Weekly Blog

Term 5 week 4

This week in Squirrel class, we have been busy learning how to make wraps. We have been exploring different ingredients, such as cucumber, peppers, spring onion, ham, cheese and eggs, to create their own unique flavour combinations. The classroom has been filled with delicious aromas of ingredients. All the children agreed that it was a wonderful afternoon of making memories together.

Week three Squirrel class blog.


We have had a fantastic engaging week in Squirrel class!

During our English lessons we have continued writing our stories using our focus text George and the Dragon.  Please see below some examples of our amazing creative writing.

During our science lesson, we are doing an investigation to find out the effect of light on the growth of cress seeds, by placing some in the light and some seeds in the dark.


Chloe predicted that the cress will germinate and grow in the light because all plants need sunlight.

All of squirrel class agree with Chloe’s prediction. We will have to wait and see if we are right!

Week four 14.03.24


We’ve had another exciting and busy week in Squirrels class, filled with engaging activities and learning experiences.

In our English lessons, we’ve been focusing on writing character appearances, and I must say, the results have been nothing short of amazing! The creativity and imagination displayed by our students in their writing have been truly impressive. Below, I’ve included some excerpts of their fantastic work for you to enjoy.



One of the highlights of our week was our outdoor learning adventure. Despite getting a bit wet, the students had a wonderful time exploring and learning in nature. Alfie said “I enjoyed creating a habitat for a squirrel,”

Chloe said “I found Charlotte the scientist’s visit to be fascinating”.

Charlotte shared her insights on curiosity and demonstrated how to examine objects under X-ray, sparking our curiosity and prompting interesting observations.

Rose had an exciting moment when she recognized one of the objects as a rubiks cube during Charlotte’s presentation, showcasing her keen observation skills.

We have had a really fun and exciting week of learning!



Term 4 Week 2 29.02.24


Welcome to term four! We are all excited to dive into new topics, engage in creative projects and to continue to foster a positive learning environment.

We started our week with outdoor learning creating habitats for different creatures.

Alfie “I made a habitat for a spider and I used lots of tiny twigs.”

Betsy “I made a habitat for a squirrel and I collected acorns so they can have a snack.”


During our maths lessons this week, we focused on different units of measurement. 

Arkley “I found out that 1metre is the same as 100cm.”

Connie “I enjoyed using the metre sticks and measuring the height of different objects around our classroom. I found out that the door is 2m.”

History has been particularly exciting this week as we delved into the lives of significant explorers such as Christopher Columbus, Matthew Henson and Neil Armstrong.

Pippa “ I was really interested in Matthew Henson’s life story and I shared it with my mum and dad”.

Louie raised an interesting point about Neil Armstrong “ I feel Neil Armstrong is not a significant explorer because he would not have been able to complete his mission without Buzz Aldrin and Matthew Collins.

Overall, it has been a week filled with curiosity, creativity and lots of learning. We can’t wait to see what next week has in store for us!

Week four

It has been another busy week in Squirrel class! This week the children have been showing of their writing skills and editing skills by producing some creative stories using our focus text Owl babies to support their writing.

 Please see below a couple of samples of our amazing work!




We kick started our week with dancing with Mrs Selwood. It was very fun and energetic way to begin our week.

Mrs Selwood said “Squirrel class were amazing!”

Connie said “I loved dancing, when is our next lesson as I can’t wait.”

This week in English, we firstly wrote a setting description about the forest and we included adjectives and similes.

Joe “Mrs Foster loved reading my writing.”

Chloe “I liked it when Mrs Bennett shared my writing with the class.”

Also, during our English lessons, we started reading `Owl Babies` and we did some role play about what we can see and hear in the forest and how our partner can make it better.

Bodhi – “I can see a scary shadow in the distance. To make it better I would give you a hug”

Lottie – “I can hear a fluffy orange fox. To make it better I will close my eyes”.


Mrs Bennett - “Everyone has worked incredibly hard this week and we have all been aiming high during our English lessons. Well done squirrel class. A wonderful start to the new term!



What Squirrel Class are most excited about in term 3!


We have a range of diverse subjects to look forward to this term. Firstly, we are excited to lean about money in our maths lessons as this can be helpful in real life situations. Next, we are looking forward to reading exciting stories during our reading lessons as this will improve our comprehension skills. We are also excited for our dancing lessons with Mrs Selwood as this is a good way to be creative and express ourselves through movement.  Lastly, we are looking forward to writing stories during our English lessons as this will also express our creativity and enhance our writing abilities.

We are going to have an amazing term!


Welcome back! We have had a very busy and engaging week studying the Great Fire of London. It has been a fantastic historical project that has offered us a lot of opportunities for hands on and immersive learning experiences. As a class, we thoroughly enjoyed making the timeline and learning all about the causes and consequences of the Great Fire of London. Our favourite lesson was when we were transported back to 1666 and we had to use all of our historical knowledge and decide, if we could have stopped the Great Fire of London would we? It was a very interesting debate. 

During our maths lesson this week we have been subtracting across a 10 and using all of our manipulatives to support our learning.  We have also been planning our Nativity which is called a “Midwife Crisis” and Squirrel class are super excited to start practicing from next week. Keep up the hard work Squirrel class!



As we approach the end of term one, we would like to reflect on the amazing week Squirrel class have had.

On Tuesday, we embarked on a fantastic trip to Perry Court Farm, and it was a delightful experience. We had the opportunity to explore the farm and discover the fascinating world of apples. We were all amazed to learn that there are over 7500 different types of apples – an incredible fact that sparked curiosity and excitement. To top it off, we enjoyed a refreshing glass of fresh apple juice while basking in the sunshine, making it a memorable day for everyone.

Thursday was equally exciting as we rolled up our sleeves and got creative in the kitchen, making delicious apple crumble. We all had so much fun, getting messy, and the end result was not only tasty but a testament to their teamwork and new found culinary skills.

This term has been filled with numerous activities, learning experiences, and growth and I couldn’t be prouder of Squirrel Class. We have made incredible progress, a strong sense of community and a genuine love for learning in our classroom.

Wishing you all a fantastic half term!



Week six and another amazing week of learning in Squirrel class! This week the students have been working on their maths skills, particularly focusing on their number bonds to 100 and learning the nine times tables using a special finger trick. In science we designed our boats in preparation for a future activity. In our geography lesson, we went outside to locate cardinal locations and to use thermometers to measure temperature. In English, we have been studying a poem called “There was an old lady that swallowed a fly” and we have been learning all about rhyming words and putting in different actions to help us remember the poem. We are all excited to perform the poem to Rabbit class on Friday. Lastly, we continue to practice our cursive handwriting.

Keep up the fantastic work and continue to aim high, Squirrel class!



Another amazing week of productive learning in Squirrel class! We kicked off our week with a captivating science lesson. We embarked on an exciting journey to understand the principles that enable certain items to effortlessly stay afloat in water. Through a hands on experiment we explored various objects to investigate what factors influence an objects ability to float, we made predictions and recorded our results in our science books. During our English lessons we have been continuing to re-write our own version of the “Gigantic Turnip”. Furthermore, we have been focussing on strengthening our vocabulary skills by incorporating descriptive adjectives. By using vivid imaginative words, we will be able to paint beautiful pictures in our reader’s minds as they read our stories. In our maths lessons this week we have been embarking on an exciting quest to master our number bonds to ten and expand our skills to addition and subtraction bonds to twenty. Lastly, we have all been working hard to improve our cursive handwriting.

Keep up the fantastic work and continue to aim high, Squirrel class!


Week four and we are all settling in really nicely into year two! We have had another productive and busy week in Squirrel class. We have been learning new phonics sounds, which is always very exciting as it helps us with our reading and spellings. We have been aiming high this week during our English lessons and have been working on rewriting our own version of the story the Gigantic Turnip, by changing the characters. We have all been working hard to improve our cursive handwriting.

During our maths lesson this week, we have been learning to count in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s. Well done!

Science has been a highlight for us this week, as we got to explore different strengths of paper. We had to investigate which paper would be the most absorbent and strongest. We found out that cardboard was the strongest and kitchen roll was the most absorbent. This was really amazing! Our Geography lesson was also really interesting as we were locating the ‘Equator’ on a world map and exploring different climates near the equator. Mrs Bennett was showing us different countries using  google earth, it was really fascinating! Overall, we have had a jam-packed week of learning. Keep up the great work Squirrel class!



Week three and we are all setting in really well into year two! We have had a productive and busy week in Squirrel class. We have been learning new phonics sounds, which is always very exciting as it helps us with our reading and spellings. We have been aiming high this week during our English lessons and have been working on rewriting the story of the Gigantic Turnip, we have included lots of alliteration and similes and we are working hard to improve our cursive handwriting. Mrs Bennett also taught us an acronym to help us spell the word ‘because’.


Science has been a highlight for us this week, as we got to explore different properties of materials. This was really fascinating! Our Geography lesson was also really interesting as we were learning about the north and south poles and locating them on a map. Overall, we have had a jam-packed week of learning. Keep up the great work Squirrel class!


Squirrel Class have had an amazing week of learning! This week we kicked off our week with a thrilling maths lesson on partitioning numbers. We looked at various ways of breaking down numbers into smaller parts. From grouping by tens and ones, we used our part –part whole model and explored different strategies to make understanding number easier.

In our geography lesson, we embarked on an exciting journey around the world. Our focus was on the seven continents. We used maps, globes and put together our own puzzle of the seven continents to further support our learning.

During our English lesson, we dived head first into role play, acting out scenes from our new focus text The Enormous Turnip’. We all embraced our roles and brought the tale to life. It was an excellent chance for us to understand the story better and develop our acting skills.

That wraps up our exciting week of aiming high in Squirrel class!


This week we have really enjoyed getting to know all of my new friends and my new teachers in Squirrel Class. We especially like our new classroom as its bigger than year one and our book corner is amazing because we like to read.

This week during our maths lessons we have been looking at place value and we are really proud of ourselves as we were able to get onto the challenges. During our English lessons we have been writing a re-count all about our wonderful adventures in the summer holidays.

As a class we have especially enjoyed Art and exploring different textures.

We are all looking forward to week two!
