During Art Day, we made our own totem poles using toilet rolls and clay. We thought about things that are important to us in our designs. This term in English and Reading Practice, we have been reading Beowulf. We have written a character description about the gruesome Grendel and now we're writing a narrative with dialogue about Beowulf's arrival. In maths, we have been learning about geometry and shapes. We have learnt about reflecting shapes, translating and symmetry. We have done our sports day trials and are very excited about the day.
Our mouths are watering because we have been planning our spaghetti bolognese recipe which we will be making in the pupil kitchen next week. In English, we have been re-reading sections of Beowulf and writing a narrative about Beowulf arriving at the mead hall. We have been revising how to write speech and are using this to make our narratives interesting and descriptive. In French, we are learning all about clothes and how to talk about clothes in a sentence. In maths, we have been identifying and learning about angles. Today, we are using protractors to measure angles accurately.