
Lady Joanna Thornhill (Endowed) Primary School

Learning for the Head, Heart and Hand

Class Blog 23-24

We are having a fantastic time learning how to make biscuits!

27.6.24: Some recent work that we are proud of!



Here is what we have enjoyed so far in Term 6!


Tomas: PE doing rounders

Tommy: Reading the Krindlekrax book in English

Zara: Learning about shapes in maths

Lina: Writing a diary entry from the view of Ruskin from Krindlekrax

Mahadev: Making a batik print with watercolours

Jordan: Creating different patterns in art

Vinnie: Playing cricket with Miss Dodsworth

Jessica: Geometry and polygons in maths

Toula: Doing rounders in PE

Anna: Drawing in art

Anusha: OPAL play

Tillie: Reading Krindlekrax

Louie: Rounders in PE

Sophie: Learning about angles in maths

Ruby: Rounders in PE

Sam: Playing cricket in PE

Riayyan: Learning to play Shotgun on the guitar

Lola: Rounders

Polly: Using the boomwhackers in music

Teddy: Rounders

Sky: Developing patterns in art

Fionn: Learning about angles in maths 

Sumaiya: How to make batiks

Ru: Reading about the Krindlekrax

Joshua: Going to the Marlowe for Drama Club

Lakinzi: I like studying turns and angles in maths

Gracie: Using OS maps in Geography

Arianna: Reading Krindlekrax

Faye: Rounders



Hello! We have been working very hard in Kingfisher class, especially on our reading. Here are some of the books that we are currently enjoying!


We are reading The Boy at the Back of the Class in our English lessons. It is about a refugee from Syria named Ahmet and his friends are worried that his family will not be able to find him. We are enjoying it, but it has a lot of sad parts too.


At home time, we are also reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. We are enjoying meeting the new characters and the pictures in this edition are a lot of fun to look at.


Zara is enjoying reading the Horrid Henry books because they have a lot of drama.


Joshua is reading How to Train Your Dragon At Home and thinks it is pretty funny!


Sam is reading Diary of a Big Bad Wolf and it is also a funny book. It is a mix of different fairy tales all together.


Vinnie is reading Dinosaur Cove, which is a fictional story about dinosaurs.


Gracie is reading Hubble Bubble: The Glorious Granny Bake Off, which is about a little witch and a bake off. It has a lot of magic.


Remy is enjoying Diary of a Wimpy Kid, a series that he loves.


Toula is reading Julius Zebra, a silly book about the Romans, and she is really enjoying it.


Lakinzi is ahead of the class and reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and is enjoying all of the magic.


Lola is reading a book whose title made us giggle, My Brother's Famous Bottom. 


Henry is reading two books! One is Famous Five and the other is the new Dog Man book. Famous Five is more realistic, and he is enjoying both.


Sky is also reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid and it is making her laugh!


Polly is reading Oi Frog, which is about a frog that doesn't want to sit on a log.


Sumaiya is enjoying reading the Toto the Ninja Cat books!


Teddy is enjoying Super Diaper Baby!


Jessica is reading Little House in the Big Woods, a book that Mrs Irle loved when she was in Year 4 too! She is also reading a nonfiction books with lots of facts about all topics.


Wes enjoyed the rhymes in The Fish Who Could Wish.


Lina is reading War Horse by Michael Morpurgo, which is sad but she is enjoying it.


Ruby is reading another Diary of a Wimpy Kid. What a popular series!


Tillie is enjoying The Toilet of Doom, which is really dramatic.


Fionn is reading The Anglo-Saxon Boy, which is a historical fiction book about conquering other lands.


Anusha is reading How to Be an Ancient Greek in 25 Easy Stages and is learning a lot!


Be sure to ask us about our reading!

Here is a selection of work that we are proud of! Kingfishers have been aiming high this term!



Here are our favourite things that we have learned so far this term!


Jessica: Writing a letter to the president about the Brazil to try and stop deforestation.

Zara:  Making inspiration collages in art.

Sam: Learning about symmetry in art.

Anna: Drawing patterns in art.

Joshua: Learning about symmetry in art.

Remy: Starting to read The Boy at the Back of the Class.

Toula: Practising for Sports Day.

Sumaiya: Writing a poem from the point of view of a character in The Boy at the Back of the Class.

Ru: Developing patterns in art.

Henry: Long distance running in Sports Day practise.

Sky: In Art, drawing boxes and patterns in them.

Lola: Learning about the tropical forest, especially the different layers.

Lakinzi: Learning about lines of symmetry in art.

Sophie: In English, we are reading The Boy at the Back of the Class.

Vinnie: Green Team won last term so we played rounders, and doing Sports Day trials.

Tommy: Starting to learn with a new guitar teacher.

Polly: The layers of the rainforest.

Tomas: Learning new things on the guitar with Jeremy.

Riayyan: I like learning about decimals.

Wes: Playing the glockenspiel with Mr Connolly.

Mahadev: Learning about decimals.

Teddy: Throwing the javelin in PE.

Fionn: Sports Day trials.

Anusha: Doing hurdles in PE.

Tillie: Tenths in maths.

Jordan: Drawing patterns inside of boxes for symmetry.

Arianna: Learning about the tribes of indigenous people in the rainforest.

Lina: Writing the poem in the shape of an eye.

Louie: Sports Day trials.

Stem Week! We have been learning about sound!



We have been working hard on our sculptures in art. They are inspired by El Anatsui and Yinka Shonibare. They are abstract sculpture that are meant to look like fabric.


We have also been writing a biography of Heracles. He was very strong and strangled two serpents, but Hera hated him and cursed him. To make amends, he had to complete twelve difficult tasks. When he finished them, he was forgiven by the gods and had a happy life.


We have also been learning how to find the perimeter of rectilinear shapes in Maths.


We enjoyed learning all about the Greeks and their legacy. They invented the Olympics, realistic art and democracy, which was run by lottery rather than election.


Our class assembly is next week and we are working very hard to rehearse it! We are very excited to share our hard work with you.


World Book Day is next week as well and we can't wait!

This is some of the work we have been so excited about this week! We are writing a story, making volcano poems and learning about circuits in science.



In Kingfishers we practised a new method in maths - it's column multiplication for a one digit by a two digit number.  We could show you how to do this! In English we have created a leaflet about volcanoes and how to stay safe.  In art we learned about an artist called Corita Kent who used to be a nun.  She made very colourful screen prints using words to get her message across.  We have also been learning the name of classroom objects in French.  Can you guess what ‘une calculatrice’ and ‘un crayon’ are?


On 24 January 2024 UNESCO dedicated the International Day of Education to the crucial role education plays in countering hate speech. The UNESCO Director General (Audrey Azoulay) wrote a message to the world and here is a part of it:  

"Because if hatred starts with words, peace starts with education. What we learn changes how we view the world and influences how we treat others. Education must therefore be at the heart of our efforts to achieve and maintain world peace."


In our class we talked about this and how we, at Lady Joanna, could try to achieve world peace?  We know that we are not the boss of everybody but we can control how we act. We can do things to make our class and school a peaceful place.  We could put signs up to stop bullying at school.  We could even have a protest.  School council could have a suggestion box and we can raise money for charities including veterans, old people and people who are sick.  We know that it is important to try to be kind and helpful to everybody, to all different sorts of people.

We have really enjoyed our time visiting the Roman Museum and the Beaney in Canterbury!



This week, we have been very busy with our England Rocks TT Rockstars competition! We have really enjoyed using the iPads and watching our class go up in the rankings. We are hoping that by the end of today, we will still be in the lead!


We have also been working on an audio book script in English. We acted out an audio script that was partially written and are now writing our own scenes. Tomorrow, we will record our own audio books!


We have continued to enjoy Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger at storytime. We have met a very funny and evil character named Mr Gorf!


This week is anti-bullying week and we have had a lot of discussions about how banter and bullying are different. We are writing our own poems and raps for our poetry competition!


Our new dance teacher, Miss Jess, has taught us so much in PE already! We have been doing different types of movement and poses. We are also doing health related fitness.


In RE, we have learned about good and bad karma, and how moksha can be achieved.


In Art, we have started our painting lessons and are working towards a still life painting. A lot of us really enjoyed making collages showing dark backgrounds, bright colours and different types of lighting.

We have been working hard in our DT day to create book pouches with fastenings! We are showing resilience even when a task is difficult, and we have done a great job!



We have enjoyed learning all about Hadrian's Wall this week, which was in the north of modern day England. It was built in 122 CE by the Romans to border the end of the empire.


We have been working hard on our subtraction in maths, using different strategies.


Mrs Irle was so impressed with our performances and posters of The Tin Forest, which we really enjoyed reading. We are also really enjoying Wayside School is Falling Down at home time!


In guitar, we have started playing on different strings. We liked learning the James Bond theme tune and an Egyptian song! We have also enjoyed music lessons with Mr Connolly, where we have learned a lot about ABBA. Our favourite so far is Mamma Mia!


We have been learning about the internet, networks and internet safety in computing. We used Chrome Music Lab to learn that we can add things to the internet.


We have been working very hard!



We have had a really busy week of learning!


In Science, we enjoyed drawing the water cycle, showing evaporation, precipitation and condensation.


We have started working on addition in maths and have enjoyed adding 4-digit numbers!


We acted out the Roman invasion of Britannia with a game showing Caesar's unsuccessful attempts and then Claudius's 43 AD successful invasion!


All of us are getting very fast at our 3 times tables and enjoy singing our times table songs.


We have finished reading The Tin Forest and have written some beautiful setting descriptions based on the book.


Mrs Irle has enjoyed hearing us laugh a lot at Wayside School is Falling Down. We all love story time!

Week 4 Favourites!


We have learned so much this week! Here are some of our favourite highlights:


I liked the shading in art this week. - Henry

Comparing numbers in maths. - Anna

Drawing shaded circles with charcoals in art. - Zara

Following steps to use shapes to draw a koala. - Lakinzi

Sketching flowers in botanical drawing. - Ruby

Reading our story The Tin Forest in English. - Ru

When we learned about the Zones of Regulation. - Vinnie

Learning the name of our English book. - Arianna

Doing different poses in a PE game. - Faye

Learning about number lines in maths. - Fionn

Learning about states of matter and seeing what temperature ice, chocolate and wax melted. - Riayyan

Reading Wayside School! - Tommy

Drawing our partner in motion in art. - Jordan

Learning what foods people avoid for certain reasons, such as fasting. - Anusha

Writing a diary entry in English. - Sumaiya

Guitar lessons with Buster! - Jessica

Starting to learn songs on the guitar. - Sky

Publishing our diaries in English. - Sam

Drawing our partners doing poses and motions using charcoals. - Joshua

Outdoor learning with Miss Dodsworth. - Louie

Writing the diary entry and publishing it in English. - Polly

Comparing numbers in maths. - Mahadev

Making bug hotels in outdoor learning. - Lina

Outdoor learning was my favourite. - Tomas

Using number lines in maths. - Tillie

Bows and arrows in outdoor learning. - Lola

Number lines in maths. - Lilac

Writing a story about the Tin Forest in English. - Remy

Making a bug hotel. - Teddy



We have had a very busy return to school and a lot of fun!


One thing we enjoyed was learning about gas, liquid and solid materials and the different properties of different states of matter.


We are learning about the Zones of Regulation and managing our zones, and have contributed to a classroom display showing avatars in different zones.


We have started a new book in Power of Reading (which is Reading and English together) and used illustration to predict what will happen next.


Our first just for fun book is Sideways Stories from Wayside School and we have enjoyed starting that! We thought it was really funny and shocking when Mrs Gorf turned herself into an apple!


We have a lot to look forward to, including reading more of our books. We are excited to learn all about the Romans, dance and invasion games in PE and learning how to draw in Art.


Check back every Thursday for updates!
